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municipalities with forest

Support for municipalities with their own forest ownership

Think globally - act regionally

"Not everywhere that says "CO2-neutral" today actually also climate protection in it".


Long distances in supply chains usually have little to do with climate protection and can significantly (!) reduce the CO2 storage in wood.


But there are only a few raw materials that can potentially be shortened in the supply chain as much as with wood. HVHJ/LCT wants to emphasize this "unique selling point" for wood, which is important for climate protection, with its supply chains.

As a rule, forest owners only have any influence on where their wood goes up to the sawmill. With many products that are marketed today as "CO2-neutral", the wood from the local forest can go all over the world and come back from there as a finished product (so to speak, the "yogurt cup effect" also with wood).


If you find this nonsensical or just as harmful to the climate as we do, support the Wood from Hier network with the climate and environmental label of the same name, because here the wood is demonstrably kept in short, closed chains. Sell your logs primarily to sawmills that can prove that they keep the wood in the country or at least within the EU.


Have an influence on the routes your logs take.

If you would like to join our European network, which highlights regional wood from local forest owners in EU campaigns and not wood from somewhere else or overseas, get in touch.


We are happy about every municipal forest owner as well as private, state or church forest owners who contact us and who would like to see their logs increasingly in short supply chains.


Together we discuss and show ways how this can work.



Strengthen local wood

As trees grow, they absorb the greenhouse gas CO2 from the atmosphere and store it as carbon in the wood. This is usually understood in the case of harvested wood as "CO2 storage" wood. But if you calculate correctly, the full CO2 storage should not be used for every wood product. Because only if (1) the harvested trees grow back, i.e. come from sustainable forestry AND if the transports in the entire processing chain from the forest road to the finished product are as short as possible, the full CO2 storage can be counted.

Lumber from Russia or wood products from Asia, Africa or North/Central/South America, for example, have mathematically reduced CO2 storage in the wood simply because of the long distances. In addition, wood from a plantation in the tropics, for example, cannot be compared with wood from our native old sustainable forests in terms of CO2 storage, and wood extraction from tropical and boreal primary forests usually has nothing to do with climate protection.


Many municipal forests and almost all Central European forests have a high CO2 storage capacity. So why use long-distance building materials? Think globally ... act regionally!


Forest paths to diversity

Municipalities that own forests can register in the GIS platform Forest Paths to Diversity and thus better accommodate wood ranges beyond the mass ranges on the wood market. In managed forests, the variety of tree species in the forest can also be better promoted, because in managed domestic forests in Europe, the tree species in particular are replanted and cared for  market.

Paar in der Natur

Information for municipal forest owners

HVH/LCT has developed information material for forest owners to help answer basic questions in the various relevant subject areas such as site-specific tree species selection, management, timber market and others. These serve as a supplement to the "Forest Paths to Diversity" platform, "Forest Diversity" for short. As a rule, you are usually supplied with a large amount of material, but you may still find something that interests you.

The information can be found under the here  standing LINK "Forest diversity information" . This link takes you to the topic of forest information on the HVH/LCT website , which offers you extensive material for download. The link opens in a separate window so that you can easily find your way back to holz-kommunal.  

an information platform from


This platform would like to contribute to supporting decision-makers and actors from municipalities in combining climate protection with regional value creation.


T.: +49 (0) 9209.918 97-51

F.: +49 (0) 9209.918 97-53


Publisher of the information platform for municipalities is HOLZ VON HIER (HVH)
resp. LOW CARBON TIMBER (LCT). The publisher is legally responsible for the content.

The platform is currently being presented to municipalities across Europe. Other municipal umbrella organizations in other EU countries are also addressed as part of the European project.


In non-German-speaking countries of the European Union, HOLZ VON HIER (HVH) is currently being introduced as LOW CARBON TIMBER via a European LIFE project

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