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Low Carbon Timber (LCT)

HVH / LCT shortly, for more information please visit the website resp.

Professor Jorgen Randers

Norway Business School
Author of the current report to the Club of Rome

In our recent reports to the Club of Rome "One Percent is Enough" we proposed several innovative strategies to prevent ecological collapse and preserve humanity's chances of sustainable survival on earth. One is to rethink the usefulness of uninhibited global markets. The promotion of decentralized regional economies is a very important step towards a sustainable future, contributing to climate protection by reducing unnecessary transport and to future welfare and employment. As an example of best practice, the Holz von Hier initiative makes an important and valuable contribution to achieving the global sustainability goals.


Non-profit initiative

"Holz von Hier" as the holder of the environmental label HOLZ VON HIER© is a non-profit organization with various bodies, recognized by the tax office. The decision-making body is the Stakeholder Board of Trustees , in which all relevant interest groups are represented by representatives. The industry is involved in the decision-making process of Holz von Hier via advisory boards . They send elected representatives to the Stakeholder Board. In addition, an expert panel with well-known specialists from various fields is available to advise you. The HVH /LCT European office and the country dependances are the operational body.


environmental label

The environmental label HOLZ VON HIER© (HVH) resp. LOW CARBON TIMBER© (LCT) is a TYPE 1 environmental label and conforms to ISO 14024. It is externally monitored by TÜV and the German Institute for Public Accountants (according to PS 880).

HOLZ VON HIER© (HVH) resp. LOW CARBON TIMBER© (LCT) is the only environmental label that records and documents the flow of goods from individual, individual products along the entire processing chain in real time.


The environmental statement

The environmental label stands for sustainable products made of wood and other renewable raw materials that are above-average climate-friendly and resource-efficient.

The environmental label also documents the above-average short real distances in the entire material flow of the upstream chains. The basic raw materials come 100% from responsible raw material extraction, wood 100% from sustainable forestry.


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The criteria

The upstream chains of the product and especially the transport in the entire material flow are above average climate-friendly and resource-efficient. The basic raw materials come 100% from responsible raw material extraction. Evidence of sustainable forest management is required for logs that are included in the Chain of Custody control. Here are forest management (FM) certificates for  FM-FSC, FM-PEFC or similar allowed. Products that are allowed to carry a wood from Hier certificate do not contain wood from primary forests (virgin forests) and no wood from globally endangered species according to IUCN.


Leading certificate for climate protection

Products that meet the HVH / LCT criteria are awarded a certificate. This certificate is proof for municipalities and customers that they have received an above-average climate-friendly and resource-efficient manufactured sustainable product. The proof is the product-specific certificate with its own ID. The logo is not proof .


Digital proof of origin

The innovative digital proof of origin of HVH / LCT tracks the flow of materials in wood products along the entire processing chain  from the forest road to the last processing step (cradle to gate) and beyond that from the last processor to the place of use or customer (gate to customer). The real material flow in the entire chain of custody is mapped with its entire mass balance, in accordance with ISO 38200.

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Real-time environmental data 

In addition to the proof of origin and chain of custody, the digital proof of origin can also be used to generate a detailed real-time environmental footprint that includes all environmental parameter data from classic life cycle assessments.

The parameters GWP, AP, EP, ODP, POCP, PERE, PENRE, water consumption are recorded in real time and on the real material flow for a specific product, separately for the life cycle phases A1, A2, A3 and A4 and can be used if necessary , be provided in a separate document with the delivery.


partner network

HVH / LCT works together with a broad network of partners in over 100 organizations from business, administration, society, the environment and science.


network of companies

Practical climate protection is achieved through an open and growing network of companies along the entire processing chain (so far > 200 companies), which implement climate-friendly short distances and document this with the environmental label HOLZ VON HIER© (HVH) resp. LOW CARBON TIMBER© (LCT). There are now six companies of all sizes  European countries are active in the network and manufacture products according to the criteria of HVH / LCT.  


Recognition and Listing

HOLZ VON HIER© (HVH) resp. LOW CARBON TIMBER© (LCT) is now widely recognized as an eco-label and has found its way into all relevant platforms for sustainable procurement, sustainable building and sustainable consumption, as well as numerous guidelines and certification systems. Well-known players in sustainability underline the importance of wood from here.


VIP statements

HOLZ VON HIER Ausstellung z von

pdf to download 

Here you can find initial information on the environmental label HOLZ VON HIER© (HVH) resp. LOW CARBON TIMBER© (LCT).

The environmental label HVH/ LCT

Short introduction HVH / LCT
HVH/LCT environmental footprint

HVH Report 2019-2020

Brochure Importance of Transports

VIP statements

an information platform from


This platform would like to contribute to supporting decision-makers and actors from municipalities in combining climate protection with regional value creation.


T.: +49 (0) 9209.918 97-51

F.: +49 (0) 9209.918 97-53


Publisher of the information platform for municipalities is HOLZ VON HIER (HVH)
resp. LOW CARBON TIMBER (LCT). The publisher is legally responsible for the content.

The platform is currently being presented to municipalities across Europe. Other municipal umbrella organizations in other EU countries are also addressed as part of the European project.


In non-German-speaking countries of the European Union, HOLZ VON HIER (HVH) is currently being introduced as LOW CARBON TIMBER via a European LIFE project

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