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Flow chart tender

The following document shows you a possible flow chart for the tender with wood from Hier.

Flow chart tender with HVH / LCT


Well-known scientific personalities are in favor of HOLZ VON HIER (HVH) resp. LOW CARBON TIMBER (LCT) .

Examples VIPS

Brochures . flyers

Two-sided flyer to address (a) friendly communities on the subject of wood being close by, (b) planners by the construction departments, climate managers and regional developers in the communitiesand (c) local businesses by the business developers and the chambers, as an attachment for their mailings.

Brochure Importance of Transports


Municipal flyer DE   /  Municipal flyer-AT

Planner-Flyer-DE   /  Planer-Flyer-AT

Betriebs-Flyer-DE   /   Betriebs-Flyer-AT

Recognition on platforms

Here you will find a list of well-known public platforms on which HVH / LCT is already listed. 

Listings at a glance



Consumers / page of all federal ministries

Consumer / Federal Environment Agency

Consumers / Consumer Initiative Germany

Public authorities and planners / building materials database of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for building and community / Bavarian Chamber of Architects

Public authorities and planners / knowledge database about building materials / online encyclopedia of the architecture magazine BauNetz

Public authorities, planners / platform Tender from Orca

Public authorities and planners / FNR platform

Public authorities and planners / FNR platform

Consumers and the public sector / Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development


Consumers / LUBW Baden-Württemberg and LBE Bavaria

Consumers / procurement in the state of Thuringia

recognition in training

Here you will find a list of organizations with which HVH / LCT implements joint training courses or is anchored in their training programs. 

Training partners at a glance


Part of the training program of the competence center for sustainable procurement of the federal government .

The competence center is the central portal for sustainable procurement by public clients of the Procurement Office of the BMI of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (BMI). .

Part of the training program of the BDIA .

HVH / LCT also conducts joint training courses with the Association of German Interior Architects and Designers. .

Part of the training program of the BdB .

HVH also conducts joint training courses with the Bund deutscher Baumeister. .

Part of the training program of the following architects and engineering chambers: Thuringia Chamber of Architects, Hessen Chamber of Architects and Urban Planners,  Bavarian Chamber of Civil Engineers, Lower Saxony Chamber of Architects .

HVH / LCT also conducts joint training courses with the chambers.


Part of the training programs of organizations (e.g. Hero, Hessen Rohstoffe) and chambers (e.g. HWK Chemnitz and IHK Chemnitz).

guides and manuals

HVH is now listed and recognized in important guidelines as a relevant environmental label that can be put out to tender.

More information at a glance


Practical guidelines for sustainable procurement specifically from the LUBW

LUBW - Baden-Württemberg State Institute for the Environment lists HVH as an important environmental label in the field of sustainable procurement.


"Climate and environmental protection" guidelines in Bavarian authorities

The guidelines of the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection list HVH as an important environmental label in the area of procurement and construction for authorities.

BNK list of criteria from the Federal Ministry of Building for 1-5 family houses

HVH is listed in the criteria catalog of the BNK as proof of responsible raw material extraction.


DGNB - in the criteria catalog of the DGNB

HVH is listed in the DGNB catalog of criteria for sustainable building certification. HVH is recognized here as proof of responsible raw material extraction and receives 100% of the points in the criterion.

Green Procurement Handbook

The UBA (Federal Environment Agency) manual for environmentally friendly procurement lists HVH as an important environmental label in the area of sustainable procurement.





Tenders . sample

Here you will find examples of tenders with HVH / LCT as a formulation example for municipal tenders:

wooden facades


Windows and doors


Sample text for evaluation criteria

Timber construction sample text


Clicking on the link will take you to a searchable map where you can find potential suppliers of HOLZ VON HIER (HVH) resp. LOW CARBON TIMBER (LCT) certified wood products who are already registered in the HVH / LCT network.

find providers

It is important to know, however, that every potential bidder for a tender can also provide product proof of Holz von Hier for an order, even if he is not yet listed on the map. If you have any questions, call us: 09209 - 918 97 51

HVH Status Report 2020

Here you can find the Status Report 2020

Status report 2019/2020

Status report 2021/2022 in progress at the end of 2022

Recognition in grant programs

Here you will find a list of funding programs in which HVH / LCT is already anchored. 

Funding programs at a glance


HVH / LCT points as proof in the catalog of the municipal building ID card (KGA) in Vorarlberg

Municipalities that advertise with HVH receive 10% of the points in the product management and building products criteria group as part of the KGA as a support program for sustainable building if they present an HVH certificate.


HVH / LCT as part of the housing subsidy in Vorarlberg Austria with special subsidy

Holzbauland Vorarlberg promotes private and public housing if it meets special ecological criteria. Upon presentation of HVH certificates for the wood used, builders in new builds receive a subsidy of €70/m2 of usable area for windows, €30/m2 for facades and in refurbishment builders receive €20/m2 of component area for windows, facades and roof constructions._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


HVH / LCT required as climate label in tenders in Vorarlberg

In the timber construction region of Vorarlberg, the submission of an HVH certificate for the wood used by the tendering municipalities is now standard in tenders.


HVH / LCT requested for the CO2 bonus of the city of MUNICH for climate-friendly building

Buildings that are advertised and built with HVH receive a climate bonus of up to 5,000 euros from the city as a subsidy


Additional bonus for HVH / LCT in the timber construction funding program of the city of FREIBURG

Buildings with an HVH / LCT certificate for the building materials receive a bonus of 1.2 euros per kg of wood from the city. In the case of solid wooden houses, the subsidy can be in the 4 - 5 digit range. The city thus makes a significant contribution to climate protection.

Listings in databases 

Listing in Baubook Austria

Baubook Austria is the central state tendering platform in Austria. Procurers and builders throughout Austria use the Baubook to orientate themselves with regard to sustainable building. Here HVH / LCT is recognized as proof of sustainable forest management.

More information at a glance








Municipalities and districts can become partners in the network free of charge  become "Wood Municipal". The aim is for these municipalities to advertise, procure and build products and building materials with wood from short distances with the climate and environmental label WOOD FROM HERE.

Become a part of it!

Give us a call

Phone: DE - 09209 - 918 97 51


an information platform from


This platform would like to contribute to supporting decision-makers and actors from municipalities in combining climate protection with regional value creation.


T.: +49 (0) 9209.918 97-51

F.: +49 (0) 9209.918 97-53


Publisher of the information platform for municipalities is HOLZ VON HIER (HVH)
resp. LOW CARBON TIMBER (LCT). The publisher is legally responsible for the content.

The platform is currently being presented to municipalities across Europe. Other municipal umbrella organizations in other EU countries are also addressed as part of the European project.


In non-German-speaking countries of the European Union, HOLZ VON HIER (HVH) is currently being introduced as LOW CARBON TIMBER via a European LIFE project

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