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Offer for partner municipalities

Bunte Blätter

Flyers with your logo

Your logo on selected flyers

And so it goes:

(1) select the desired flyer.(2) Send the title or the pdf to us by email.

(3) Statement of circulation

(4)  You will receive an offer by email for printing on HVH paper and with a logo for climate-neutral printing.

Neon Gemaltes Gesicht

your own brochures

your own brochures
Print HVH paper and climate-neutral

And so it goes:

(1) Send your brochure as a PDF. (2) Statement of circulation.(3)  You will receive an offer by email for printing on HVH paper and with a logo for climate-neutral printing.

dunkle Blatt

Climate certificates print

Certificates for climate-neutral printing  

HOLZ VON HIER, together with partners, will offer climate certificates for climate-neutral printing on HVH paper from mid-2021. You will soon find out here how your municipality can obtain and use the certificates. Until then, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us:

Phone: 09209.918 97-51

HOLZ VON HIER (HVH) offers you printed flyers, for example with the logo of your municipality printed on them. Printing is climate-neutral on HOLZ VON HIER paper.On request, we can also have your own municipal flyers and brochures printed on HVH paper and climate-neutrally at cost price.

In-Depth Materials

Flyers & Brochures

Here you will find flyers and brochures that you can also have printed with the logo of your municipality.


Here you will find information on how to print existing HVH exhibitions for your community, participate in exhibitions/events or borrow exhibitions.

Lecture Elements

You can find illustrations, tables, graphics, maps as argumentation aids for your tender and buildings as well as for the award of your climate bonuses and funding guidelines here...

an information platform from


This platform would like to contribute to supporting decision-makers and actors from municipalities in combining climate protection with regional value creation.


T.: +49 (0) 9209.918 97-51

F.: +49 (0) 9209.918 97-53


Publisher of the information platform for municipalities is HOLZ VON HIER (HVH)
resp. LOW CARBON TIMBER (LCT). The publisher is legally responsible for the content.

The platform is currently being presented to municipalities across Europe. Other municipal umbrella organizations in other EU countries are also addressed as part of the European project.


In non-German-speaking countries of the European Union, HOLZ VON HIER (HVH) is currently being introduced as LOW CARBON TIMBER via a European LIFE project

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