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regional development

The importance of the origin of building materials and products as well as the importance of closed upstream chains for the development of our European regions is often underestimated. Rediscover the beauty of local woods with HOLZ VON HIER certificate!  

WOOD FROM HERE is THE opportunity to directly combine climate protection and regional value creation

Locally, all decision-makers in municipalities and districts have a strong interest not only in contributing to climate protection, but also in strengthening regional value creation. With HOLZ FROM HERE (Low Carbon Timber) you have the opportunity to do so.


Sustainable development and sustainable public procurement is a clear European goal.


All social developments are moving in this direction. The 6th EAP of the EC explicitly mentions as important goals and measures to improve environmental and climate protection: (1) "Signs of origin and environmental labels for products", (2) "The promotion of sustainable procurement by the public sector" and and (3 ) “the decoupling of economic growth from traffic volume”.

In general, sustainability and the environment in construction are becoming increasingly important in European strategies.

Example building certification: BNB, DGNB. More and more countries are also including environmental aspects in procurement regulations and award guidelines. Many countries are working on the implementation of ambitious sustainability strategies. The importance of materials for the environmental footprint of buildings is increasing. Until now, the main focus had been on the building's energy consumption. Today it is increasingly irrelevant which form of energy supply (geothermal heat, gas, wood, etc.) you choose. The embodied energy of products through manufacturing is becoming increasingly important. Knowledge and information about the environmental impact of products are becoming increasingly important here.

Climate & environmental protection

meaning of origin
and the antecedents

The upstream chains for the raw materials and semi-finished goods, including all transport, are today far more important for the climate and environmental protection potential of building materials, municipal facilities and office supplies than the production itself.

Therefore, every municipality that advertises HOLZ FROM HIER and procures products with a HOLZ VON HIER certificate makes an essential contribution to climate protection and environmental protection.

CO2 comparisons that HVH provides for municipal partners show you how high this contribution can be.

In addition, HVH prepares CO2 balance sheets for partner municipalities for public buildings that are constructed with HVH building materials.

Municipalities can next to that
WOOD FROM HERE certificate also request the HVH environmental footprint in a tender for the building materials. This contains classic environmental parameters from life cycle assessments for the specific procured product, real and in real time.


Local companies create jobs locally

Products made from local wood of short distances, verified with a HOLZ VON HIER certificate, have a regional added value that is around 12 to 16 times higher than other wood products without proof of origin.

Local companies maintain and create jobs and training places in their own region.

Companies that produce in Europe comply with the very strict requirements of the European Union with regard to environmental protection and consumer protection with their products. These high standards are in no way comparable to many other regions of the world from which numerous goods are imported to Europe. For this reason, attempts are now being made to shed light on the upstream chains of imported goods to Europe via specifications such as the Supply Chain Act. This applies above all to minimum social standards. But, unlike in many parts of the world, in Central Europe there is no child labour, no forced labour, no excessive working hours, no minimum wage, no corruption, no deadly dangers in the workplace, etc.


A certificate of origin such as WOOD FROM HERE, which shows that such an excellent product was manufactured along the entire chain of custody in the European Union, also has enormous advantages here.

Erholung im Wald (HVH)HH)=
human and nature

added value

Products from local  companies also have for that  Local people have many advantages.

If evidence such as WOOD FROM HERE is available, the users can be sure that the project was produced in short ways in its entire material flow of the upstream chains. This means that the strict environmental, social and consumer protection requirements of Europe, i.e. all specified standards, the REACH regulation and much more, had to be complied with in the entire material flow. This creates "safety through proximity" (HVH).

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