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award package

The tender package contains the following information...

HVH/LCT general information

Here you will find a brochure on the importance of transport and the HVH/LCT annual report 2019/2020 for download.

most recent appraisal

The current report from May 2020 by the renowned law firm Braun & Zwetkow, which specializes in public procurement law, shows on 90 pages the various aspects of the tendering capability of the climate and environmental label HVH/LCT. 

Topic 1) HVH/LCT as a key certificate for climate protection.

HOLZ VON HIER (HVH) / LOW CARBON TIMBER (LCT) can be requested as a leading certificate for climate protection in tenders in accordance with EU and public procurement law, in the lower and upper threshold range as well as for construction work and delivery services.

Topic 2) HVH/LCT as an alternative CoC proof of wood from sustainable forestry.

If the criterion 'origin from sustainable forestry' is required for tenders with wood, a HOLZ VON HIER (HVH) / LOW CARBON TIMBER (LCT) certificate can (the report says "must") be recognized as an alternative to, for example, an FSC or PEFC certification. This means that bidders who can present a HVH/LCT certificate can also take part in such tenders.


(Note: HVH/LCT requires a forest management certificate according to FSC, PEFC or similar for all round timber that is included in the HVH CoC certification process).

More themes included

funding programs

​​In Vorarlberg, every municipal building is now advertised with HVH/LCT. The present official documents from Vorarlberg correspond to the official character. Vorarlberg has long been the "model region of Europe" in the field of timber construction.  

Some cities have now included HVH/LCT in their funding programs. The support program of the city of Freiburg goes the farthest here and is therefore listed here as a best practice example.


Here you will find a possible flow chart for the procedure for a tender with the climate and environmental label HOLZ VON HIER (Low Carbon Timber).


HVH/LCT recognition

Here you will find listings of official platforms where HVH/LCT is already listed as well as statements by well-known scientists about HVH/LCT:  


The following expert opinions, which were prepared before 2020, show that the climate and environmental labels HVH/LCT can be put out to tender.


Prof. Frenz, University of Aachen, Chair of European Law, is an expert on European law who is well-known throughout Europe tender law and he is also the author of the 6-volume work "European Law" which is in the library of almost every municipality.  


Prof. Knauff, University of Leipzig, Chair of Business Law, is also a judge in the Public Procurement Chamber of the Regional Court of Thuringia.

The environmental association in Vorarlberg draws up the tenders for all communities and municipalities in Vorarlberg and also monitors them. The environmental association is an environmental authority of the federal state of Austria, which also sets decisive impulses for the municipal tender for other regions in Austria, for example in close cooperation with Ökokauf Wien.  


Internal municipal guidelines

Some best practice municipalities in Germany have already included HVH/LCT in their internal procurement guidelines, such as Neumarkt. In addition, the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising has already included HVH/LCT in its procurement guidelines. Other municipalities are currently in the process or in discussion (more here soon).

If you, as a municipality, are also interested in this, then give us a call and let us inform you without obligation and show you the advantages of, for example, climate guidelines for your tendering practice.


Phone: 09209.918 97-51

sample tenders

In the following, example descriptions are given for various areas in timber construction, such as timber construction work on the shell, windows and doors or carpentry work.

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