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Lecture Elements

Various lecture elements are described below that you can use in internal discussions for climate and environmentally friendly procurement and construction.

The presentations are available here as a downloadable pdf. If you would like to incorporate parts of it into your own Power Point presentations, please give us a call and we will provide you with the Power Point documents (phone see below).



This presentation provides information about Holz von Hier: (a) the non-profit initiative, its topics and structure, (b) the climate and environmental label HOLZ VON HIER (Low Carbon Timber), (c) the partner network and (d) the companies in the open network of companies that manufacture, trade and use appropriately labeled products.



This presentation provides information about the WOOD FROM HERE environmental footprint. This digitally tracks the classic environmental parameters along the entire actually recorded material flow chain in real time. The issued document at the end of the processing chain contains values for GWP, AP, EP, POCP, ODP, PERE, PENRE, water, separately for the life cycle phases A1, A2, A3 (HVH cradle to gate) and also A4 (HVH gate to customer). Companies will only submit this document to you as the tendering municipality if you request it separately, as this is not part of the standard certification.  



Holz Kommunal offers joint webinars or in-house training courses for municipalities with partners on the topics of wood, timber construction, sustainable procurement, climate-friendly procurement and climate-friendly construction, etc. You can find more information about this under WEBINARS .  

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